Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teamwork. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Teamwork is part of life down on the family  dairy farm.
While Ryan and Casey moved straw bales off the fields,
Cody was preparing to spray the fields before planting 
hay grazer and millet seed.  

Once the fields were sprayed, it was another  picture of teamwork
as Cody and Ryan added seed to the planter.

With the spring rains delaying our wheat harvest  and crop planting,
the race is on to get the crops planted while we can still
hope for a few rain showers and moderate growing temperatures.

The donkeys even seemed to be working as 
a team as they strategically moved 
close enough  to make sure we didn't have 
any feed with us!

I'm thankful for the teamwork we  experience
down on the dairy farm and for the cutest surprises  
when we least expect them!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

There's only one thing sweeter than a newborn calf
and that, of course, is twins!

                                            After laboring with no result, this momma received
                                            a little delivery assistance from the Anglin brothers.
                                       I'm thankful for these two heifers that we welcomed to the
                                    dairy farm this morning and the teamwork that made it possible.