Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Once a month for the last twenty plus years, we get what we call a "test"
of each cow milking in the herd.  The test will tell us  how much milk
each cow is producing and a variety of information that is used in  caring 
for and managing the herd. 

My job before the test day is to make sure all the information about each
cow is updated in the computer system so Greg, our test technician,can update 
the system after he collects each sample of milk.

Greg is not just a technician that works for Mid-South Dairy Records.
He is our friend and part of the family. Even though we are both only children, 
we can almost fight like a brother and sister.

For the first time since being diagnosed with kidney disease, 
Greg was too ill to come test this month.
Technician Tiffany, Greg's fill-in, and I worked through our
test day. It wasn't perfect but we managed to get the job done.
I certainly appreciated her patience!

                                    I'm thankful for Greg's love of dairy cows, his phenomenal
                                         memory about dairy cows,  his devotion to his job
                                                         and most of all his friendship.
                                     Hurry and get well Greg--we've got a lot more fighting to do!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Dairy Farmer's Thankful Thursday

Members of  Bentonville Girl Scout Troop 150 gathered together
this week to honor the memory of our Girl Scout Leader Marilyn Bogle.
From the second grade till we graduated in 1973, Marilyn was our mentor and
guide. She provided countless opportunities and experiences that guided 
us to make decisions that impacted our career and life choices.

It was fitting that the members of our troop gathered for
 a lovely supper and cookie toast to celebrate
the very special bond we feel with our friend Marilyn.

I'm thankful for each member of Girl Scout Troop 150,
the life long friendships that might  never have
happened without the love and devotion of  Marilyn Bogle,
and  the example of what happens when you invest in 
the lives of others.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

I was blessed this week with a sweet but short visit from my friend Nancy.
Our friendship began 43 years ago when we became nursing school roommates.
We still  laugh about our challenges as beginning nursing students
 and the life lessons we learned together.
Although she is an Atlanta city dweller and I am a dairy farm dweller,
friends are still forever.

                                I'm thankful for this precious friend that not only loves me but
                           appreciates the dairy farm and couldn't resist presenting me with the
                                 Fresh "A" Milk Wagon for our assortment of dairy memorabilia.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Araminta Richardson, my childhood piano teacher, was a remarkable person and obviously very patient when you think about the many hours spent with a variety of students. She traveled every month to small towns in Northwest Arkansas and Oklahoma to offer an opportunity for young people to not only play the piano or organ but to create an army of pianists and organists  for future service to the churches in our area. 

Students from across the area  were brought together for several Christmas programs in Bentonville.
Not all came willingly, but we had a lot of fun practicing!

As I prepare music for our church service this week, I'm thankful for my special friend, Araminta, who lovingly taught me a skill that I could use in service to the church and for my own enjoyment.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Members of  Bentonville Girl Scout Troop 150 met at the home of our troop leader Mrs. Marilyn Bogle last Saturday as part of our 40th class reunion.
Troop 150 began when we were in the second  grade and lasted till we graduated in 1973.
We've changed just a little  since the day we began as Girl Scout Brownies in the second grade!
I'm thankful  for my Girl Scout experiences that  enriched my life and provided special friendships!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

Blessings often come when least expected. After attending the first day of the Southern Dairy Conference in Atlanta learing about dairy industry policy and on-farm practices, I enjoyed a visit with Nancy, my nursing school roommate from thirty-nine years ago, who lives in Atlanta. I'm thankful for the blessing of sweet friendship. 
"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel understanding in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed that can make of this earth a garden"

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Celebrating Birthdays and Friendships

What do you give a friend for her December   birthday  who has everything and  tells you not to buy any birthday gift ?   Birthday cake seemed the perfect choice--not a purchased gift,nothing to dust but straight from the heart to celebrate a friend's special day!    Rave Reviews Coconut Cake is a great cake for any occasion and from past experience,  it's always a tasty treat for any celebration.

Rave Reviews Coconut Cake

1 package yellow cake mix (2 layer size)
1 package (4 serving) Jello Brand Instant Vanilla Pudding
1 1/3 cup water
4 eggs
1/4 cup oil
2 cups sweetened  coconut flakes
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

Blend cake mix,pudding mix,water,eggs and oil in large mixing bowl. Beat at medium speed for four minutes. Stir in coconut and nuts. Pour into three greased and floured cake pans. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Cool in pans for 15 minutes,remove and cool on wire rack. Fill and top with Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting.

Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting
4 tablespoons butter
2 cups sweetened  coconut flakes
1 package 8 oz. cream cheese
2 teaspoons milk
3 1/2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Melt 2 tablespoons butter in skillet, add coconut,stirring constantly over low heat until golden brown. Spread coconut on paper towel to cool. Cream 2 tablespoons butter with cream cheese; add milk and beat in sugar gradually. Blend in vanilla. Sitr in 1 3/4 cups of the coconut. Spread frosting  on top of each layer,stack and ice top and sides. Sprinkle remaining coconut on top.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rural Community Treasure

Although the Vaughn School has been closed since 1960,  classmates who attended the rural community school in Northwest Arkansas gather on the first Saturday in  August every year  to share a meal and celebrate their treasured  lifelong friendships. Even though Ryan and I didn't attend school at Vaughn, we are connected to the school because of our parents and grandparents who grew up in the Vaughn  community.

Vaughn classmates would tell you that the Vaughn  Presbyterian Church and the Vaughn School were the hub of the community during their school days. The  church was built in 1889, followed by the school in 1913.  In 2010, church members and classmates erected a monument in the church yard to commemorate the importance of both school and church to the community.

It was great seeing Ava and JoAnne today--they've been friends for at least 80 years!
My life has been enriched by their friendship to me and my family.

Attending today's Vaughn reunion was a great reminder that--
 Friendship is one of life's treasures!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

"Friends are flowers in the garden of life"
These hollyhocks came from seed shared by my mother and Helen, a dear family friend that passed away several years ago.  When the hollyhocks bloom, I always think of Helen making hollyhock dolls from the flowers to amuse my boys when they visited her garden. I'm thankful for the sweet memories of friendship and family.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dairymom's Thankful Thursday

We purchased this piece of spray equipment two years ago. With the mechanical help of one of Ryan's childhood friends, last week we used it to spray liquid fertilizer on this field of haygrazer. As I looked across the field watching these friends working together, I felt very blessed and thankful to live and work in a community of lifelong farmer friends.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bales of Friendship

Although our farming community has changed with the urban growth of our area, we still enjoy many special relationships with the businesses that support agriculture. Yesterday we drove thirty miles to Fayetteville to celebrate the retirement of Willis,G.C. and Larry from Williams Tractor. These three men had a total of one hundred eighteen year of experience working for this implement and tractor dealership. It was a special event for our family because of the relationships developed over sixty four years. Willis holds the record for the most years working for the dealership and we consider him as an extended family member. In 1946 Willis delivered the first New Holland square baler to our farm and has continued to be the resident expert serving four generations of our family. We appreciate all of the businesses that support our farm in a variety of ways and treasure the friendships!