Showing posts with label forecast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forecast. Show all posts

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Weather and Farmers


                     If you have ever been involved in farming, related to a farmer

                    or know a farmer, you know that weather is a big topic of 

                     discussion especially  when planning how to harvest a crop.

                 We listen to the weather reports morning, noon and night

                        and I  have learned (the hard way) that you do not talk to

                                      the farmer during the weather report.


                           We've been waiting  for "the just right weather" to begin 

                                               these last days of fall harvest.  

                                After the three inch rain last week, the ground has

                       finally dried enough to begin  the last cutting of the hay crop.

This part of the acreage is being dry baled so an extra
day was required to allow it to dry before being baled.

The other part of this fall hay  harvest was baled and wrapped.
These bales will ferment and be used as silage in the 
feed ration for the dairy cows. 

Wrapping hay is often a great way to save a hay crop
from unpredictable weather. You might say it's one of the 
tools in the farmer's weather tool box!

It's time now to catch the next weather forecast!