Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth day Event

Our heifers were not aware that today was Earth Day as they were enjoying the warm sun, munching on green grass in the pasture as I left to attend the Earth Day Celebration in downtown Bentonville sponsored by Baker Elementary School. A dozen organizations were represented with table displays or demonstrations about environmental stewardship. I displayed information about dairy, provided dairy recipe booklets and gave out Borden string cheese.One little boy asked me if I was selling for free? His smile was priceless as I handed him that free cheese! Every grade participated in the Earth Day program with songs,poems, or facts about recycling and what we can do to improve our environment. One of the 4th grade classes made and modeled hats with recycled materials that we might find in our homes like newspapers, water bottles,cereal boxes,soda cans and pizza boxes. Those hats were definitely conversation pieces! These students recycle everyday in their school program. They are being taught about the value of caring for the environment. Dairy farmers value and care for our natural resources everyday because we depend on the land for our business and quality of life for our families and our communities. We know the future depends on what we do today. Farmers do celebrate Earth Day Everyday!

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